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Dosing pumps ND

    Pumps equipment


    The units (pumps) dosing plungers are designed for volumetric pressure dosing of neutral and aggressive liquids, emulsions and suspensions with kinematic viscosity from 8,5•10-7 to 8,5•10-4 м-2/with (from 0,0085 to 8,5 sm-2/с), with temperature from 258 to 473 К (from -15 to +200 °С), with a concentration of a solid non-abrasive phase is not more than 10 % by mass, with a maximum particle density up to 2000 kg/m-3, with the grain size of the solid non-abrasive phase not more than 1% of the diameter of the nominal passage of the inlet branch pipe. The field of application of aggregates (pumps) is determined by the durability of the material from which the hydraulic part is made, as well as the durability of the seal material.

    On the basis of dosing pumps, the following plants are manufactured:

    • one-component dosing (UNM) for dosed supply to gas and oilfield lines and objects of corrosion inhibitors, paraffin and scaling, demulsifiers and other products;
    • multicomponent (up to 6 components simultaneously) dosing (DMD) for the simultaneous supply of a dosed amount of liquids or liquid mixtures, emulsions and suspensions with a temperature from 258 to 373 K (-15 to +100 ° C) into the process line.

    Multiple-piston units can supply liquids separately as each cylinder, and together in various combinations, both at the inlet and outlet.


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